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Artificial intelligence, Internet and trend for intelligent manufacturing & technology

日期: 2017-06-08
浏览次数: 97

In China The Artificial Intelligence Society recently held in Shanghai, "2015 Fifth China Intelligent Industry Summit Forum", a number of academicians, experts interpret the artificial intelligence, Internet and intelligent manufacturing trends and technology. Chinese Academy of Engineering researcher Lu Bingheng in the analysis of "Made in China 2025" that the three major technologies to support intelligent manufacturing are: robots, smart equipment and 3D printing. He also believes that Chinese manufacturing in the basic research to emphasize three new foundations: sensors, software, large data.


Following the mobile Internet, the wave of artificial intelligence has begun to set off. In May and June of this year, the State Council issued a series of documents on "China Manufacturing 2025" and "Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting Internet + Action", and pushed China's intelligent industry into the track of rapid development. In the China Artificial Intelligence Society recently held in Shanghai, "2015 Fifth China Intelligent Industry Summit Forum", a number of academicians, experts interpret the artificial intelligence, Internet and intelligent manufacturing trends and technology.


Chinese Academy of Engineering researcher Lu Bingheng in the analysis of "Made in China 2025" that the three major technologies to support intelligent manufacturing are: robots, smart equipment and 3D printing.


Among them, China's high-end robots and CNC machine tools are in the hard work of the critical period, and 3D printing technology is in the industrial development of the initial stage and the company's Happy Valley period.


Lu Bingheng that 3D printing the most in line with the industrial manufacturing process 4.0. It has brought disruptive changes to the manufacturing industry - product development cycle and cost doubled, basically the original 1/3 to 1/5, the use of material utilization increased from 5% to 85%. GE has done a very innovative job, with 3D printing to 20 parts of a synthetic parts, improve fuel efficiency by 15%, the engine forward a generation.


He also believes that Chinese manufacturing in the basic research to emphasize three new foundations: sensors, software, large data.


Today, large data has become an important asset of human society in the Internet age, known as the "new era of oil." And mobile phones, televisions, cars and chat robots as a "sensor" for the Internet business to provide a steady stream of large data assets. Large-scale data from all walks of life, from TB to PB to EB to ZB, with three data-level ladder rapid development.


In addition, robots play an important role in the field of artificial intelligence. Chinese Academy of Engineering Li Deyi that the current should be more research and development is not humanoid robot, but the cloud robot. In the cloud computing data center, with hundreds of thousands of CPU + GPU server architecture, through large data samples to do a mixture of large-scale deep learning parallel training, can determine billions of parameters of the artificial nerve, become artificial intelligence another Big bright spot.


"Internet, cloud computing, networking and big data can be a powerful support for cloud robots how to hear, how to look, how to think, and how to solve the robot 'intelligent manufacturing 2025' ushered in the spring of our robot.


Screening this promotional content Biology identification is also an important part of artificial intelligence. A total of 11 "key actions" on "Continuing to promote the Internet + Action Guidance", the last one is "Internet + Artificial Intelligence", which specifically refers to the "biometric identification" of the R & D and industrialization, for the industry to upgrade the intelligent basis.


Baidu is characterized by connecting people with information, Alibaba is connected with people and goods, Tencent is connected with people. "The essence of" Internet + "is" people-oriented, connecting everything. "Since it is people-oriented, we must know who this person is, so" biometric "will be the era of intelligence," the people of the Chinese Academy of Art and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, A key technology.


Tan Tie Niu that wearable equipment contains a huge space for biometric identification. In the future, biometrics will be provided in the form of "cloud" services. The user itself becomes a collection device, through the wearable equipment and other intelligent terminals, smart cars, smart home and other industries within the biometric data collection and exchange, the formation of cloud database to achieve accurate vertical services.


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